Spreads from The New-York Journal of American History's The Maritime Issue — which never printed due to funding. It was produced digitally, however.

Endpaper pattern based on windward and leeward directional lines.

Sun and sky. Radial lines create the effect of a light, shining on the text, and directing the reader to the start of the essay.

Subtle framing devices in the shape of sails.

An anchor is used in pattern, and so small that it becomes a half-tone.

For the silver section, I testing out the effectiveness of a metallic spot color with laser printing atop a metallic marker, which worked really well.

Front and back covers of The Maritime Issue. The New-York Journal of American History.
The New-York Historical Society
The New-York Historical Society
Valerie Paley, Founding Editor
Senior Vice President and Director of
the Patricia D. Klingenstein Library
Senior Vice President and Director of
the Patricia D. Klingenstein Library
Sandra Markham, Assistant Editor
Project Archivist, Lewis Walpole Library
at Yale University
Project Archivist, Lewis Walpole Library
at Yale University
Justine Ahlstrom and Thorin R. Tritter, Books in Brief Editors