Various spreads from across issues. This is the first time John James Audubon's bat watercolors are ever published in history (top right). The illustrations hang from the top of the page, like bats in a cave

Peter Marié Miniature collection

First three issues — beginning with the 9/11 commemorative issue (left) and ending with the Hamilton issue (right). This issue coordinated with a Hamilton exhibit at the N-YHS, and also includes an interview with Ron Chernow

Slavery in New York issue. Contributors include: Ira Berlin, Keith F. Davis, Leslie Harris, James Oliver Horton, Johanna Kardux, Richard McDermott, Steven Mintz, Lowery Stokes Sims, Eric K. Washington and Sherrill D. Wilson
Design Director:
Kathleen Meaney
Kathleen Meaney
The New-York Historical Society
The New-York Historical Society
Valerie Paley, Founding Editor
Senior Vice President and Director of
the Patricia D. Klingenstein Library
Senior Vice President and Director of
the Patricia D. Klingenstein Library
Sandra Markham, Assistant Editor
Project Archivist, Lewis Walpole Library
at Yale University
Project Archivist, Lewis Walpole Library
at Yale University
Note: This publication is the winner of the 365: AIGA Annual Design Award and the Art Director’s Club 83rd Annual Award.
The New-York Journal of American History
Editorial Board (original):
Joyce O. Appleby
Hilary Ballon
Elizabeth Blackmar
David W. Blight
Patricia U. Bonomi
Gabor S. Boritt
Richard Brookhiser
Vincent Cannato
Evan Cornog
Ann Douglas
Drew Gilpin Faust
Eric Foner
Joshua Freeman
Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Owen Gutfreund
Clifton Hood
James O. Horton
Kenneth T. Jackson
Winston James
David M. Kennedy
Thomas Kessner
James M. McPherson
David Nasaw
Edward O’Donnell
John Kuo Wei Tchen
Mike Wallace
Craig S. Wilder
Gwendolyn Wright
Editorial Board (original):
Joyce O. Appleby
Hilary Ballon
Elizabeth Blackmar
David W. Blight
Patricia U. Bonomi
Gabor S. Boritt
Richard Brookhiser
Vincent Cannato
Evan Cornog
Ann Douglas
Drew Gilpin Faust
Eric Foner
Joshua Freeman
Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Owen Gutfreund
Clifton Hood
James O. Horton
Kenneth T. Jackson
Winston James
David M. Kennedy
Thomas Kessner
James M. McPherson
David Nasaw
Edward O’Donnell
John Kuo Wei Tchen
Mike Wallace
Craig S. Wilder
Gwendolyn Wright